Daily Carpet Care & Maintenance
Follow our carpet care guide to ensure that your carpet floors age well as the years pass.
Vacuuming is the best way to maintain your carpet on a daily basis. By vacuuming your carpet, you can help eliminate the dirt and other debris that accumulates within the fibers of your carpet. This debris, along with general wear and tear, can lead to your carpet taking on a worn and lackluster look. Carpet should be vacuumed at least once a week or more depending on the overall traffic that your floors receive.
Always take your shoes off before walking across carpet as well. This will help prevent dirt from accumulating. Entry mats are another helpful and cost-effective way to prolong the lifespan of your carpet too.

Dealing With Carpet Spills & Stains
Carpet floors are more susceptible to damage from spills and solid messes than other types of flooring. With that said, you can help to eliminate the damage inherent in those messes by following our tips below.
For solid messes, use a vacuum cleaner to address the accident right away. If done quickly, no lingering damage should occur.
For liquid messes, it's important to act fast. The longer you wait to tackle these unfortunate accidents, the more likely that your misfortune will continue by way of a stain. So when a liquid spill occurs, grab a clean cloth and absorb the substance right away. From there, consult your manufacturer on approved solutions or cleaning methods.